Monday 27 February 2017

When you feel down about yourself, your looks, your general direction…

Everyone goes through periods in which we feel down about ourselves. There are times, usually once a month that I feel fat, ugly and unmotivated to do anything about it. Days I feel like that, are days that I must double down. I have to look around and remind myself that I am privileged. I need to be thankful that I have wonderful healthy children.  A home that keeps me warm, food I can eat. These things make me privileged, not better than those who do not have them.

I need to focus on that, on the positive instead of the negative. I need to realize that all of these negative feelings are temporary. They will go away.

If your feelings are prolonged due to a circumstance that is under your control, then this pain is alerting you to something you need to change. Perhaps you have allowed your sweet tooth to get the better of you, and have gained a few too many pounds. Or you have become too easy going at work, not allowing you to advance. These are things that you can change. Pay attention to your pain, recognize it, feel it. Then put on your big girl pants and do something about it. Crying about it will do nothing to change it.

Look around you, what is it that is giving you so much pain? How can you fix it? Make an action plan, than talk about it with your friends and family. They will help you through it. If it really is something that you should change, good friends will support the change and help you through it. If perhaps you are just having a moment of insanity, (it happens (very often) so don’t feel bad about it, accept and move one,) then, they will tell you that you have nothing to worry about.

I had days in which I felt sad, depressed, lonely, crazy, add any negative adjective you want right here. The first thing to do in that situation is to talk to someone, call me, call a friend, call someone. Talk to them and be honest, raw honest, until you take all that stuff out of you. Then do something to improve yourself. Take a shower, clean up the house, make yourself a healthy gourmet meal, and go for a walk. Change a muscle, change a thought. I had a great friend tell me that, and it is so true. 

Whenever I am having a horrible day, I have to hit restart, by changing what I am doing. Move…

My next suggestion is to get down on your knees and pray, Or sit down and write, meditate or simply talk to your higher power, whoever that may be. If you don’t believe in an old man sitting on a cloud, make up a different image. Make up your own image. God does not care what you think he looks like.  Pray that he will guide you, that he will show what it is that you have to move towards. Ask him how you can do service for others. He will answer you, so be ready to get the answer, and be ready to do what he asks!